Established in 2008, our Electronics and Communication Engineering Department prepares students to meet the evolving needs of the field. With an intake of 180 students and state-of-the-art labs, our experienced faculty provides comprehensive education. We focus on developing competent professionals with strong values, equipping them with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in VLSI, Communication, and Embedded Systems.

Established in 2008

Evolving with Technology









Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


K.L.E. IT Logo

Prepare professionals embodied with competence and values to meet the changing needs in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

NBA Accredited for 2018

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was established in 2008 under the eminent leadership of Dr. Basavaraj S. Anami, Principal with an initial intake of 60 students. The intake increased to 120 in 2014-2015 and further to 180 in 2023-24.

Currently, the department has a strength of approximately 540 students across all years. We have a team of qualified and experienced faculty and well-equipped laboratories with state-of-the-art facilities.

Communication Systems Lab
Embedded Systems Lab
Signal Processing Lab
Microwave and Antenna Lab
Digital Electronics Lab
Analog Electronics Lab
PCB Design Lab


  • Providing hands-on experience with state-of-the-art hardware and software infrastructure and constantly updating faculty to meet industry and research institution requirements.
  • Inculcating theoretical and practical foundations and design and development skills necessary for lifelong learning.
  • Organizing value addition courses and continuous industry-institute interactions for bridging the gap between academia and industry.
  • Imbibing human values and ethics to make them socially responsible professionals.

Glimpse of Activities

Slide 1
Hanisha M ASEAN India Hackathon Runner Up
Slide 2
Team Trailblazers 1st Prize ELVIC Hackathon
Development Program on C programming language
Student Development Program
Development Program on C programming language
Two days Student development Program on C programming language organized by Electronics and Communication Engg. department under PHOENIX forum for 4th Semester students.
Recent Trends in VLSI Design
Student Development Program
Recent Trends in VLSI Design
The Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, under the Phoenix banner, organized a two-day Student Development Program on Recent Trends in VLSI Design for sixth-semester students, beginning with day one.
Recent Trends in VLSI Design
Student Development Program
Recent Trends in VLSI Design
The Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, under Phoenix, hosted the inauguration of a two-day Student Development Program on Recent Trends in VLSI Design for sixth-semester students.
Electrostatic MEMS actuators
Research Activity
Electrostatic MEMS actuators
ECE department - Research Activity on Electrostatic MEMS actuators.

Our Department Staff

Electronics and Communication Engineering Department

Established in 2008, the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, with an initial intake of 60 students, now serves 180 students and has 22 faculty members. It boasts state-of-the-art labs and is NBA accredited since 2018. Our vision is to prepare electronics professionals with technological competence and human values to meet the changing demands in the industry, research institutions, and entrepreneurship. We focus on enhancing student knowledge through qualified faculty and advanced infrastructure, emphasizing both theoretical and practical concepts, organizing industry-ready courses, and inculcating discipline, ethics, and human values.