
Established - 2012

Master of Computer Applications

Alma meter
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“The department is involved in enhancing the Knowledge of students by providing Competitive environment by conducting various activities under student forum Bit- Shifter’s.”

Department has qualified, dedicated and experienced faculty, skilled technical staff and excellent state of the art laboratories. The department is involved in enhancing the Knowledge of students by providing Competitive environment by conducting various activities under student forum Bit- Shifter’s. Faculty are involved in dedicated teaching & learning process and published many technical papers in various National and International journals.


Prepare post-graduates embodied with competence and values to meet the challenges of Information Technology Industry.


  • Providing state-of-the-art hardware and software infrastructure, enhancing competency of committed faculty to meet the requirements of industry.
  • Inculcating theoretical and practical foundations, and rendering hands-on experience on software tools to develop applications.
  • Organizing value addition courses and continuous industry-institute interactions for lifelong learning to bridge the gap between academia and industry.
  • Imbibing human values and ethics to make them socially responsible professionals.

Our Faculty

Dr. V. S. Madalli


Dr. Mahantesh Sajjan

Associate Professor & HoD

Dr. Puneeth N. Thotad

Associate Professor

Anupama S N MCA

Mrs. Anupamma S. N.

Assistant Professor


Dr. Medha Kudari

Assistant Professor


Mrs. Laxmi Pujari

Assistant Professor

Ms.Bindiya Sangappa Petimani

Assistant Professor

Supporting Staff


Mr. Sandeep Hegadal

Programmer/ Instructor

Department Information

1. Madalli V. S., Joshi S. G. and Anami B. S., “A treatise on Engineering Concepts in Mathematical Processes and Formulae- a ready reckoner for the students of Science and Technology and practicing Engineers.” (under publication process). 
2. Mr. Prasanna H Bammigatti attended a webinar on “Artificial Intelligence for Covid-19 Recognition” organized by IEEE NKSS and KLE Institute of Technology in February 2022.
3. Mr. Puneeth N Thotad has presented a research paper on “Predictive Analysis of Diabetes Mellitus Using Decision Tree Approach” which is accepted for publication in IEEE Conference, CONIT-2022.
4. Puneeth N. Thotad has completed the online course “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” under the skill up the program from Simplilearn.
5. Mr. Puneeth N Thotad attended a One Week Faculty Development Program on “Research Essentiorganizednised by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, held from 31st January – 5th February 2022 at Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Mohali, Punjab, India.
6. Mr. Puneeth N Thotad attended aOne-day FDP on “Mendeley- A Reference Tool Manager” organized by Central Library, KLE Technological University, Hubballi on 27th May 2022.
7. Mr. Prasanna H Bammigatti was the resource personOutcome-basedbased Education Principles” organized by Govt Polytechnic College, Bagalkot in April 2021
8. Dr.Medha Kudari completed an online course on Machine Learning with MATLAB in May 2021.
9. Dr.Medha Kudari published a paper on “Offline Signature Verification using Galois Field-based Texture Representation” in Transactions on Computer Systems and Networks. Springer, Singapore in June 2021
10. Dr.Medha Kudari participated in Regional Research Symposium on PBL 2021 held in June 2021.
11. Dr.Medha Kudari completed an online course on Deep Learning with MATLAB in June 2021
12. Dr.Medha Kudari participated in 3-days online AICTE Exam Reforms workshop in July 2021
13. Dr.Medha Kudari attended the seminar on “How to draft and publish in reputed high impact factor journals?” held in August 2021, at K.L.E.Institute of Technology, Hubballi.
14. Dr. V S Madalli was the resource person for Faculty Development Program Series 1 on Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning for Faculty & Practitioners organized by KLE Institute of Technology, Hubballi held in September 2021.
15. Mr. Prasanna H Bammigatti, Mr. Puneeth N. Thotad, and Dr.Medha Kudari attended a Faculty Development Program Series 1 on Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning for Faculty &Practitioners organized by KLE Institute of Technology, Hubballi held in September 2021.
16. Dr.Medha Kudari completed a course on “Introduction to Internet of Things” from NPTEL in October 2021.
17. Dr.V.S. Madalliwas invited as a resource person for deliver keynote address for the workshop “IGNITE 2K19”, Topic Entitled “Explorations In Science”, conducted by Jain College Of Engineering & Technology, Hubballi on 5th April 2019.
18. Dr. V. S. Madalli conducted Five days workshop on “Data Analytics & Applications” conducted by MCA Dept. KLEIT from 24 to 28 July 2018.
19. Dr. V. S. Madalli, invited as a resource person in Faculty Enrichment Program on “Discrete Mathematical Structures” sponsored by TEQIP-1.3 , conducted by VTU Centre for PG Studies & Regional Office, Kalaburagi from 27th to 31st July 2018.
20. Dr. V. S. Madalli, as a resource person in Faculty Development programme delivered talk on “Applications of Differential Equations and Transforms in Engineering Technology” at KLE Technological University from 6th April 2017 to 7th April 2017.
21. Book Published by Dr.V.S. Madalli “Discrete Mathematics. A concept –based Approach”, Publisher: Universities Press (India) Private Limited, Year of Publication: 2016.
22. Mr. Puneeth N. Thotad has been awarded for his project work, “Project of the Year” award in the year 2013, in KSCST-36th series for “KMF Automation”.
23. Mr. Puneeth N. Thotad has been awarded, Best project award in the year 2011, for the project entitled “Parallel Median Filtering Enhanced by Applying Genetic Algorithm on CUDA Device” by MSRIT Alumni Association.

1. Mr.Takangouda D, Mr Darshan D, Mr Samarth K and Mr Mallikarjun K won the second runner-up in Web Development at State Level 24 Hours Hackathon competition organized by Smt Kamala and Sri Venkappa M Agadi College of Engineering and Technology, Laxmeshwar, Karnataka in April 2022. 

2. Ms. Sukanya Amminabhavi, Mr. Puneeth N. Thotad, and Shanta Kallur presented article on Automatic Question Generator using Natural Language Processing I International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR-2022) held from 22nd to 24th November, 2022.

3. Dr./Prof./Mr./Ms Puneeth Thotad, Laxmi, Shanta Kallur, Swati H. Kadamhas Presented paper entitledMental Health Tracker Using Machine Learning Approaches in IEEE NKCon-2022 Flagship International Conference ofIEEE North Karnataka Subsection in association with IEEE BangaloreSection and IEEE ITS hosted by BLDEA’s V. P. Dr. P.G. Halakatti College of Engineering and Technology,Vijayapur,Karnataka,India during 20th and 21st November 2022.

4. Samarth Kulkarni, Anupama S N, Medha Kudari,( Sept-Dec 2022), “Congregation of News in a Digitized World using News Angle”, Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Software Testing, 2022

5. SakshataHindasgeri, Medha Kudari, Anupama S N, “Process Automation of Sugarcane in the Sugar Industry”, Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Software Testing, Sept-Dec 2022
6. Shivani Kittur, Anupama S Nandeppanavar, Medha Kudari, Laxmi Pujari, “Automation of Dairy Farm for Effective Cattle Management”, Journal of Web Development and Web Designing, Sept-Dec 2022

7. Sanjay Garag, Anupama S Nandeppanavar, Medha Kudari, “Cancer disease prediction using machine learning algorithms”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science and Engineering, Dec 2022.

1. Thotad, P. N., Bharamagoudar, G. R., & Anami, B. S. (2022). Diabetes disease detection and classification on Indian demographic and health survey data using machine learning methods. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, 102690. 

2. Thotad P. N., Bharamagoudar G. R., Anami B. S. (2022), Diabetic foot ulcer detection using deep learning approaches. Sensors Int 2022:100210.

3. Presented a paper on “Predictive Analysis of Diabetes Mellitus Using Decision Tree Approach,” in 2022 2nd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON), 2022, pp. 1-7, https://doi: 10.1109/ASIANCON55314.2022.9909122.

4. Kallur Shanta, Thotad Puneeth and Patil Sagargouda (2020), “Detection of Faux News using Machine Learning Techniques”, Journal of Network Security Computer Networks, MAT Journals,2020, Vol 6, Issue-2, pp 25-32.

5. Kallur Shanta, Thotad Puneeth, Patil Vijeta, Naik Susan and Belkar Supriya (2020), “Detection of Spoofing Websites”, Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Software Testing, MAT Journals-2020, Vol 6 Issue 1, pp 06-16.

6. Madalli.V.S., Patil.S.,Hiremath.A.G., Kudenatti.R.B., (2018), “Analysis of the Viscosity dependent parameters of Couple Stress Fluid in Porous Parallel Plates”, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 11/January/2018.

7. Itagi.P.S.,Thotad.P.N.,Kallaganiger.J.D.,Amashi., R.,and Itagi Vani S (2018), “Python is currently on a hot Streak in Programming Language”, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, IJSRD-2018, Vol. 6, Issue 04, pp 1536-1538.

8. Ms. Bisalahalli Banashree , Kallur Shanta, and Thotad Puneeth (2018), “Heart Disease Prediction using Azure ML”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Special Issue – 2018, Volume 6, Issue 15.

9. Thotad Puneeth, Bharamagoudar Geeta , Thotad Shashikumar, and Kallur Shanta (2018), “Survey on Mining Diabetes Data and Its application on Diagnosing methods in Disease Management”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, IJARCS-2018, vol. 9, Issue. 1,pp 341-345.

10. Bammigatti Prasanna, Naganur Harshavardhan and Baluragi Prashant (Sept 2018). “Node MCU and Geofencing based Smart Home Automation.” International Conference on New Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICNTET) IEEE.

11. Kudenatti.R.B.,Madalli.V.S., Basti.D., (2017) “Non- Newtonian Fluid Model for Pressure- Driven Flow between Porous and Rough Surfaces in Journal Bearing” .”Journal of Porous Media”, Volume 20 Issue 10.

12. Vishwas, Nabie Gluam, Thotad Puneeth and Nadeppanvar Anupama (2016), “Academic Knowledge Characterized Access”, IJCTER journal, Issue 5, May 2016.

13. Bammigatti Prasanna (2016). “A New Conventional Direction Based Routing in Adhoc Networks.” International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Research, Volume 2 Issue 5 pp. 337 – 341.

14. Desai. S.D.,Kallaganiger .J.D., (2015) “Advanced Maximum Likelihood statistical estimation for incomplete data sets in CT system”, International Journal of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering, Volume 2(1) , March 2015, pp 128-137

Faculty Attended Workshops, Conferences and Training Programmes
Some of the notable workshops and conferences attended by the Department Faculty 

1. Prasanna H Bammigatti, Shivanand C. Maradi and Anupama Nadeppanavar attended International Conference on Enabling ‘Make in India’ organized by K L E Technological University & IUCEE held on 06-01-2015 to 08- 01- 2016.

2. Puneeth N. Thotad and Prasanna H Bammigatti attended the Faculty Development Programme “Cloud Computing and Big Data”, organized by Department of Information Science and Engineering and Technology, SDMCET Dharwad sponsored by VTU – VGST FDP on from 27 th to 30 th June 2015.

3. Shivanand C Maradi and Puneeth N. Thotad attended an ISTE Short Term Training Programme on “Pedagogy for Effective use of ICT in Engineering Education” conducted by IIT, Bombay from 5 th – 7 th and 19 th – 21 st January 2015 at KLEIT, Hubballi.

4. Anupama Nadeppanavar Jayasheela D K and Shivanand C Maradi attended ISTE workshop on “Computer Programming” conducted by IIT Bombay from 16th June to 21th June 2014 (Two week), held under the National Mission on Education through ICT(MHRD) at KLEIT, Hubballi.

5. Prasanna H Bammigatti attended Iternational Conference on “Transformation in Engineering Education” organized by BVBCET held on 16th to 18th January 2014.

6. Dr. V S Madalli attended Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Mathematical and Computational Applications in Engineering”, (MCAE-2015) held from 5th to 9th January 2015 held in K L E CET Belagavi.

7. Dr. V S Madalli attended Two week ISTE workshop on “Fluid Mechanics” conducted by IIT Kharagpur from 20th May to 30th May 2014, held under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD).

8. Puneeth N. Thotad, Satyadhyan Chickerur, N. Ramesh, (2011), “Parallel Median Filtering Enhanced by Applying Genetic Algorithm on CUDA Device” Conference on Evolutionary trends in Information Technology, (CETIT), VTU –Belgaum.

1. Dr. P. S. Hiremath, Professor, KLE Technological University, Hubballi presented a talk on “Ramanujan Graph & Its Applications” for the students of MCA I, III and V semester in March 2022 
2. Shrihari M. Joshi,Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, SDM College of Engineering, Dharwad, presented a talk onCyberSecurityfor the students of MCA I semester in March 2022
3. Prof. Sunil Vernekar, Principal,KLE BCA, PC Jabin College, Hubballi, presented a talk onProject Planning on IoT and Securityfor the students of MCA I semester in April 2022
4. Mr. Uday Veerendra, Mr. Uday and Darshan Desai,SOC Experts Team, conducted a workshop on Cyber Security for the students of MCA I Semester in April 2022
5. The department has placed 29 students with 35 offers in various companies.
6. A One Week workshop on Web Technology and Advanced Java Programming by faculty, Miss. Anupama S. N., Miss. MedhaKudri and Puneeth N. Thotad from March 3rd to 13th, 2020 which helped students to learn the skills required to develop Web applications and Websites and Advanced Java Programming skills.
7. A workshop on Amazon Web Services (AWS), by Mr. Shridhar Alagi, Faculty and Research scholar at CSE Department, KLE Institute of Technology, Hubballi on 23rd of August, 2019.
8. A motivational talk by Dr. Vishwanath P. Baligar on IT as Profession, Faculty and Research head, BVBCET, Hubballi on 2nd March 2018 which helped students to boost their knowledge and overall growth.
9. A workshop on Software testing by Mr. ArunkumarKhannur, Chairman and CEO at ISQT, Bangalore, on February 03rd, 2018 which helped students to know the testing tools.
10. A One Week workshop on Web Technology by faculty, Miss. Anupama S. N., Miss. Jayasheela D. K and Puneeth N. Thotad from March 05st to 12th, 2017 which helped students to learn the skills required to develop Web applications and Websites.
11. A Two Day workshop on Internet of Things and Its applications, By alumni of IIT, Delhi on 01- 02, March, 2017 which helped students to learn the skills required to develop Web applications and Websites.
12. A Two Day workshop on Web Technology Mr. Sadanand, Co- founder of Mitra Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Hubballi on November 15th, 2016 which helped students to learn the skills required to develop Web applications and Websites.
13. A workshop on Software testing by Mr. ArunkumarKhannur, Chairman and CEO at ISQT, Bangalore, on August 12th, 2015 which helped students to know the testing tools.
14. A two days workshop on Software engineering and Database Management System by Mr. ArunkumarKhannur, Chairman and CEO at ISQT, Bangalore, on 25th and 26th April 2014 which helped the students to understand life cycle models used in current industry and its use in future while DBMS served the purpose for developing projects.
15. A workshop on Software testing by Mr. ArunkumarKhannur, Chairman and CEO at ISQT, Bangalore, on 2nd September 2014 which helped students to know the testing tools.
16. A workshop on Hadoop-Big data was arranged on 21st February 2015 by Mr. Prakash Daar. This lecture emphasized on how data is stored in different formats and its easy access. Students highly impressed on the lecture and appreciated.
17. A workshop on Data Warehousing and Data Mining by Prof. P. S. Hiremath, BVBCET Hubballi, to emphasize on Data Storage and retrieval on 23rd March 2015.

Program Educational Objectives 

Postgraduates of the program will be able to develop real world applications using digital computing systems.

Postgraduates of the program will be able to choose professional career in software industry, research, entrepreneurship, academia and administrative services.

Postgraduates of the program will be able to design, implement and evaluate software applications.

Postgraduates of the program will be able to demonstrate interpersonal skills and lifelong learning attitude in their profession.

Postgraduates of the program will be able to address and solve ethically the issues related to profession, society and environment.

Program Outcomes
Engineering knowledge

Apply the knowledge of Mathematics, Science, Engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

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